All-Natural Ways to Take Care of Your Cardiovascular System

 All-Natural Ways to Take Care of Your Cardiovascular System

Your cardiovascular system isn’t just one muscle; it’s an incredibly complicated network of blood vessels (large and very, very small) that travel all over your body, all powered by your heart. Your heart runs on pure muscle strength and an electrical system called the cardiac conduction system to pump blood through your blood vessels. 

But there’s one more element: you. 

Your health and wellness play a major role in how well your heart and blood vessels perform. In addition to our advanced treatments, our team of vascular surgery experts at Advanced Vascular Solutions wants each of our patients to have the necessary education and tools to do their part where their heart is concerned. 

Here are our favorite simple, all-natural ways to support your cardiovascular system. 

Eat your way to better heart health

The best (and often easiest) place to start if you want to take better care of your cardiovascular health is with your diet. What you eat and drink directly impacts your blood pressure, your weight, and a variety of other factors involved with your heart and blood vessels. 

Here are a few rules of thumb to stick to:

At the very least, do your best to reduce the amount of sodium you eat. An excess of sodium in your body causes you to retain more water. When that happens, your heart has to work harder than normal to pump blood and fluid around your body. 

Read the labels at the grocery store and opt for “no salt added'' foods. No single food should contain more than 400 milligrams of sodium per serving, and you should try to keep your daily intake below 1500 milligrams. 

We also recommend curbing your dependence on salt when cooking. If you follow the ​​Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet, you get a roadmap on how to keep salt and other heart-unfriendly foods off your plate. 

Increase your activity levels

At the heart of your cardiovascular system is a large muscle. And more than anything, muscles need exercise to stay in tip-top shape. Exercising more also helps you lose weight, which can have a positive impact on your cardiovascular system. 

There's no need to join your local CrossFit gym or start training for a 5K, but we (and the American Heart Association) do recommend getting at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous activity every week. 

Don’t love cardio? Mix in some resistance training to build muscle and boost your metabolism. 

If you’re at a loss for where to start, just take your first step. The worst thing you can do is lead a sedentary lifestyle, so get moving as much as possible and then get some more pointers from our team on creating a heart-healthy workout plan. 

Maintain a healthy lifestyle

You may eat well and work out, but if you’re still hanging on to unhealthy habits, it could be all for not. 

We strongly encourage you to stop smoking (and avoid secondhand smoking), limit your alcohol consumption, maintain a moderate weight, and manage your other chronic health conditions. 

Manage your stress

Stress isn't just a mental or emotional issue; it can significantly impact your cardiovascular system. The more stress you feel and the longer you leave it unchecked, the higher your risk is for high blood pressure, heart disease, and even obesity. 

Try to find a way to relax every day, whether that means talking to friends and loved ones, enjoying a hobby, or creating a stress management plan with our team. 

See us regularly

If you’ve already been diagnosed with a cardiovascular problem or if you know you’re at an increased risk, don’t hesitate to meet with our team regularly. We have a wide range of services and resources at your disposal to support your cardiovascular health. 

Ready to talk to an expert about getting your cardiovascular health on track? Contact Advanced Vascular Solutions to get the guidance and support you need. We proudly serve patients in the Melbourne and Sebastian, Florida area.

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